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PensilSharpener's Power Goo: July 2005

Rantings & stuff day in day out of my life & things around me... my toys collections, toys review & my fav. phrase "Life is hard, & will get harder.."
---- Drop me a mail at : ----

Friday, July 29, 2005

Gangsters in MUB style ?

Ever been affliated with the MUb ? Are you sure ? Things are not as cool as it seems in the DICK TRACY Movie or comic books.. MUbs are far more sedious, perverted as some or themselves know.

One MUb identified is the MUb clan known residing or congregating in a local area *undisclosed* but a hint, it's near the Ulu Klang Highway near the Dam. The gang calls themselves the "Gatherings". Pic above is suspected to be the HQ.

Unbelievable they nearly have their teh-tarik everynite. Ridiculous ! After their daily plundering & ridiculous mongering and working out other people with their lifestyle, at the end of the day they meet up to discuss what has been accomplished.

Intelligence informs that currently the following men are identified :
(hierachy chart will be established at a later time)
Known active members:
1) BO aka "Benduva" -tells people he's from Vancouver
2) EU aka "LooksMaHorny" -his looks gave him the nick
3) JI aka "SunshineBoy" -his character gave him the nick (gay related ? )
4) KE aka "Nippples" -levels of perversion is extreme (guys, stay away)
5) CH aka "Rumours" -got news ? You'll be sure to know
6) DA(m)aka "The Bogey man" -he's been known to hold anyone up for 3days of beating
7) HS aka "The Bean" -you'll never get anything out from him
8) SA aka "Nite Ray Theo" -only does his dealings during nite, never day
9) FR aka "Bullfrog" -with a distinctive sound to scare even the lions
10)DA(Du)aka "LotiPek" -you want jagged potatoes ? huh punk ?

Have you met them ? We want to hear your encounters .
Do drop us a line in the message board.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Globalisation : Can we handle it

Globalisation, thats a strong word.. a word which we are still pondering if we cud actually handle it. Some Malaysians say we can others say we can't.
As my humble opinion, we far from it. We still practice certain policies which protects & benefits race distribution. Policies & benefits to the needy would be good but fixing to one race is purely one sided an agenda which could eventually go the other way around if not balance it. Maintaining racial harmony by racial segregation ... is not the way to go. Until we have learn to be equals & not benefecting the rich & connected only..are we really ready for globalisation. How justify are we to say it has to benefit by race & not by reasons it is required. Malaysia have already declared independence since 1957, & is close to 50years, yet todate there still exists 3rd class citizens because of racial segregation.
The removal of a preference groups to a lesser group may have a negative feedback in an affirmative action.(extract from article) Sad but true

Thursday, July 21, 2005

ROAD Hoggers & asswipes

Folks be warned... We will soon be putting picture of your car with your platenumber if we see you driving recklessly or anything against the law.

Few pointers that would get you an award into our SHIT LIST
1) driving in emergency lane
2) double park
3) yellow line parking

Quickie query from someone :
"What if I am waiting in the car while my girlfriend is inside the bank?. I am in the car i dont need to park.."
Answer :
If you're in the car, why dont you drive it to the nearest car park. Road sides are usually for dropping & pickup passengers only. thats basic common sense.*nitwit*
No one gives a shit if for whatever reason you need to go to the bank or wait for your mother or girlfriend or boyfriend(unless retarded or handicapped). So long as it's more than 1mins it's considered you're road hogging since other people have to drive the car round you & that would waste time. Other people's time. Be considerate folks & start to pay for your parking if not, go get a bike. BE WARNED!


Monday, July 18, 2005

Kuala Mu

cut logs
Originally uploaded by PensilShapener.
Well well it was the land of the moo moo land... just got back from camping from an invitation from a fren of mine. A 4X4 excursion to bring some clothes & books for the orang asli settlement. It was a some sort of charity drive..preety good organizing.. Cheers.

5hours drive from the starting point of cvilization as it was freaking raining. Muddy, some holes.. & sawing some trees as you can see from the crocodile dundee chopping down a fallen tree. LOL :)Hard work .

Once we reach there it was beautiful with some flowers, streams.. All in all it was great, nice hidden place hidden in the valley with waterfalls & freshwater. Remind me to bring full equip to camp. Apprently the other guys we were with camping luxuriously with cooking stoves, trampolines, axes...all the luxury items. So much things yet to buy.. heheh . I only had a camping bad, but it was good enough... back to back with nature... Cheers..would wana go some other time again..

Will be going for my wild board hunting again sometime next 2 weeks... that'l be cool.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Moth Invasion Malaysia - Lyssa zampa

The past whole month we've ben seeing many moths around Malaysia. Singapore has also reported it. We've seen moths but have we seen so many and almost everyday ?

One(some beliefs) would think it could be visitors, but visitors everyday outside your house ? LOL (lots of laughter)
There could be some factors due to this outbreak of moths... limited natural predators, quality of the weather, rain or sun... etc

Well some people may not notice the abundance of them around... but do look more careful & be could mean the end of things to come....

Friday, July 01, 2005

Disease Amongs us

Originally uploaded by PensilShapener.
It's hard to ignore that disease is everywhere. It is all around us. And some of us may already have it.
There are each person with their own mental & disorders & disease. Some clear points & proof are my dear old friends. They will be known here only as their first 2 alphabets of their english name to protect their identity.

Will there be any know cure ?

The lucky ones are:

RA - alcohol minumthitis (A-Virus)
JI - 11pm paranoia sleep dillusional(S-Virus)
EU - yamachaache(Y-Virus)
DA - turbo coughs & wheezing (TW-Virus)
HS - secretshits & bowels problems(SB-Virus)
DA(DUF)- gothflu (G-Virus)
CH - compulsivelyer (T-Virus)
KE - bapokgayrobium (BGs-Virus)
BO - afterworkonlycitis (A-Virus)
FR - borinonlycitis (B-Virus)