Globalisation : Can we handle it

Globalisation, thats a strong word.. a word which we are still pondering if we cud actually handle it. Some Malaysians say we can others say we can't.
As my humble opinion, we far from it. We still practice certain policies which protects & benefits race distribution. Policies & benefits to the needy would be good but fixing to one race is purely one sided an agenda which could eventually go the other way around if not balance it. Maintaining racial harmony by racial segregation ... is not the way to go. Until we have learn to be equals & not benefecting the rich & connected only..are we really ready for globalisation. How justify are we to say it has to benefit by race & not by reasons it is required. Malaysia have already declared independence since 1957, & is close to 50years, yet todate there still exists 3rd class citizens because of racial segregation.
The removal of a preference groups to a lesser group may have a negative feedback in an affirmative action.(extract from article) Sad but true
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