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PensilSharpener's Power Goo: August 2005

Rantings & stuff day in day out of my life & things around me... my toys collections, toys review & my fav. phrase "Life is hard, & will get harder.."
---- Drop me a mail at : ----

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Do you XiaXue ?

Hehe funny topic eh ?
It's been awhile since I read XiaXue's blog. Stumbled across tonite on our MERDEKA 48th Celebration. For those local morons it's also called Malaysia Independence Day (31st August 2005)

I'm working midnite in the office while the rest of the world is out for teh tarik or the more "free-er" ones actually go to KLCC for fireworks. Saw it right at my office(my office is about 2 blocks away). Nice...
Will upload some mpegs once I get it uploaded at home
(psst.. office network cannot le)

Anyway, XiaXue is one strange(not negative mind you) gurl I can tell you. I do not know how to explain but maybe DISCOVERY channel wanna have a go with her and come up with some documentary. Her blog has tons of pictures & also her comments & daily ramblings. I love blogs with pics, it helps to make it more entertaining.
She has got my vote. however she does have her "hate xiaxue" fan websites & stalkers..LOL (lots of laughters).

According to her blog she has just recently came to KL & now back in her nest in Singapore. She actually commented about us (KL ppl lah).
However, I do not disagree with her. In fact her comments are preety much accurate,
eventhough her shopping & makan could need a little help from the locals.
Beside's it's her website like my blog is my website.
She should go to Kuantan eh gang ? A much quieter place unlike KL,
a horrid place with it's traffic jams like I always say so.
Anyway just go and read her blog... let me know what you think.

Or some of you should try emailing her. Probably get lucky & she'll make you famous! She has more hits than any of you guys do with teh tariks & teh o ais.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Beautiful Malaysia

Many don't know it but there are some small lil things around us which are beautiful. Example a patch of hibscus spawned itself on the beach floor. Beautiful. This top pic of Hibiscus was found on the beach in Kuantan . The place is called Taman Gelora. It's just right outside our resort where we bunk. What beautiful sight. We must have been right on time since hibiscus don't bloom too long. (it was also the spirit's day for chinese)

Taken by my mini CASIO Exilim 3.0Mp with no zoom lense. Just plan ol common sense & a nack for photography angle. Was kinda difficult but i pulled it off. :P
Bug of if u think it sucks !

Below is a pic of a downed coconut tree wth shrubs growing from it's side. Cool ? You bet. Sun was blaring hot & shiny that day. Nice... even climbed one up myself(halfway)

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Project KO

Project KO
Originally uploaded by PensilShapener.
Project KO has been initialized. Project KO involves me changing my 1997 car to a 1987 car. Why do you ask.. Cos I like.. & cos thats the only car I can afford with all my current erm, installements. Do guess what it is..

Why do I call it Project KO ? Look at the car's age for gods sake !