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PensilSharpener's Power Goo: July 2006

Rantings & stuff day in day out of my life & things around me... my toys collections, toys review & my fav. phrase "Life is hard, & will get harder.."
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Thursday, July 27, 2006


Life stinks..
I'm back now after a long time.. been busy with work.
Work frm 9am till 9pm. Weekends also work. Damn shit or wat.
Here are some "good" points I have currently been gifted :
1) I work frm 9am till 9pm
2) I get no cooperation frm my own dept.
3) I do everything include supervisions of renovation
4) I do supervision for the cable guys
5) I work with users to get things done
6) I do cabling myself
7) I work Saturdays and Sundays (Sat on midnites)
8) I can't take leave
9) I cannot fix my car due to no time
10) i cannot do my banking since i work every day
.... endless

I need to get the hell out of here. No Quantum Leap is going to save me.
It's ALCATRAZ for me here. I am going to rot here.
I dont know how long I will last. My mind is going bonkers. I sleep at 4am everyday.
I get angry fast. I need to see a shrink. MY LIFE.