I.M.P.S - The Relentless

IMPS-The Relentless , tats the in-thing for now. IMPS= Imperial Military Personnel Stories. This live-action movie/ocumentary made by fans for the fans of STAR WARS. It is free and no-one in the Star Wars fan world is allowed to charge anything for it.
This comes from the guys who made "TROOPS" another Star Wars parody who made into Guiness Book of records as the world's no.1 best fan dedication to a movie.
This cult and team is so strong and is fully supported by Imperial troops all over the galaxy.
The IMPS tells of imperial stories b the comon imperial soldier working. Currently production is only chapter one. Images, digital effects, soundtracks are all greratly and magnificently done by fans themselves using expertise frm many firms and on their own time-off and expense. All which are not related to LUCASFILM in and
way. Many volunteers and fans work on this project by BLACKSHEEP PRODUCTIONS. Check it out..

After watching it, it was great and fantastic ! Hard to explain but if you're a fan of STAR WARS this is it. Many more chapters to come. Look at some snap shots of their dedicaton ad liste to their very own soundtracks.
Download the TEASER:
Download the CHAPTER 1:
Official Website: www.impstherelentles.com