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PensilSharpener's Power Goo: Hence ends humanity..

Rantings & stuff day in day out of my life & things around me... my toys collections, toys review & my fav. phrase "Life is hard, & will get harder.."
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hence ends humanity..

And hence humanity dies bcoz of a cartoon..

Ironic isn't it. Because of an insensitive cartoon which has the carricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in it has caused turmoil all over the world. What in the world are the artist and newspapers thinking ?

Yet I believe it is time for peace, peaceful demonstration.. not bloodshed. However as Yahoo/Reuters and news all over the world show.. bloodshed has been spilled.
What has the world coming to ?

This is a sad case and even if the Danish were to acknowledge their mistake, much of riot and blood has been done. I dont see a good ending. Let's hope for a gradual ending soon enough

Hence ends humanity..


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