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PensilSharpener's Power Goo: Hurrican Katrina, how bad was it ?

Rantings & stuff day in day out of my life & things around me... my toys collections, toys review & my fav. phrase "Life is hard, & will get harder.."
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Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hurrican Katrina, how bad was it ?

Hurrican Katrina, a disaster.. I have not thought that it's devastating power would be such a catastrophe. It's happening to the world superpower US ! . Goin tru the internet pictures made me feel like the same disaster as the Tsunami in Acheh. In fact it is similarly the same. The only diff. here is that many tens thousands in New Orleans survived. hence looters & riots have begun. WIth such mass population in dire need of help & aid, ppl will turn against each others.

Some said US could have done better jobs in giving aid to their own people. But whats to gauge how an aid is handle ? With looters & riots similarly to SOMALIA, one cannot expect much even with the technology & weapons. What SHOOT every freaking jackass carrying something what might look it was stolen from the local KMART ?
No , things are not as simple as it seems. Try organising a chinese wedding dinner, x 50,000(the number of people displaced ,probably more)
Who knows, maybe they are slow.. well it's up to the senate to decide.

I feel so useless, not able to a help in anyway but then again how many of us actually go do charity work other than contributing money ? MANY.
Sad, truly sad.


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